Sunday, 24 February 2013

Proofs Proofs and More Proofs

Thank goodness for the week off. It did seem to fly by a little too fast though.

Found more than enough time to sit back and review what we've learned on proofs so far over and over again. It seems to make sense bit by bit, but I can't say I'm ready to take a shot at the second assignment just yet (thankfully, I do still have a little bit of time).

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Preparing for Term Test 1

Here's to hoping my Friday starts off right with this 165 midterm.

I've slipped up on regularly posting but what can I say? 165 surely not a walk in the park most would agree, with the given reputation of the proofs section of the course and its difficulty.

In regards to the material on the midterm, I can say i'm feeling quite confident, although I must be honest and say the whole "double-sided letter aid sheet" does make me feel slightly uncomfortable. After putting some thought into what I may want to try and fit in there, I'm doubtful I can even manage to fill one side, never mind the back!

(that got me thinking I could probably fit the whole two chapters if I write small enough; that would be hilarious... would probably need a magnifying glass or something too)