Sunday, 20 January 2013

Assignment 1

Worked through the first assignment with the partner today. Attempting to work out the questions felt like they were teaching me as I worked each of them out. Things began to click and make sense. Certain questions came up that we had to jot down and are planning on asking Professor Heap the next chance we get but all in all, I'd certainly label this one as a success, for the most part.

Still have to practice, practice, practice on translation from symbolic form to plain ol' English, but it is getting clearer. I'll have it down pat before we move on to proofs.

P.S. Kudos to Professor Heap and his ability to throw out a couple of genuinely comedic jokes during a lecture.

"A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Charlie Chaplin

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

This could be fun.

Certainly not new to the idea of blogging as an owner of a couple myself, but one for school?! I certainly need to get used to this because blogging was considered an 'escape' from certain things. Now I'm being asked to involve my day into a blog, interesting. I guess the higher the frequency of posts, the quicker this will all become natural and comfortable, which will certainly be a main focus.